How-To Create a Marketing Funnel for your TpT Store
Jun 21, 2021How-To Create a Marketing Funnel for your TpT Store
It is a must for every business to be equipped with a marketing funnel and this is true for a TeachersPayTeachers Store as well. Instead of only relying on TpT Search Engine as a means of getting traffic to our stores, we can actively use marketing strategies to help our TpT store brands be seen by potential customers or leads and can hopefully turn them into paying customers.
The marketing funnel you create will be able to help you with converting your leads into customers. If you don’t have a solid marketing funnel, you will not be able to convert all your potential customers or leads into customers. You don't want to miss out on making a connection or building a relationship with a lead (potential customer) so it is strongly recommended that you build a marketing funnel and use it to help teachers find your store, learn from you, build a connection, trust and know you brand, and eventually (the goal anyway) buy from you.
Here is a step by step guide that you can follow in order to create an effective marketing funnel.
What is a marketing funnel?
Before creating a marketing funnel, you need to understand what it is. A marketing funnel is the journey of a buyer; it is the path that one of your leads or potential customers will take to find your business and end up becoming a revenue-generating customer. In fact, the funnel is a visual metaphor, which signifies the overall journey that the customer will go through.
Steps to create a marketing funnel
There are four main steps that you will need to follow in order to create a marketing funnel. Let’s dive deep and learn more about those four stages.
- Creating awareness
The first stage of your marketing funnel will be all about creating awareness. There are a variety of methods available for you to create awareness about the products and services you offer through your business. It's best that you take some time to see if you can locate a problem faced by your audience and then promote your product or service as the best solution available for it. This method of creating awareness will be able to help you with getting better returns. That’s because people are always concerned about finding solutions to the problems that they have.
ACTION ITEM: Think about what problems teachers might be facing in the niche you serve. Spend 20 minutes brainstorming. After that time is up, pick a few problems and use those ideas to create new products or product lines AND create lead magnets for your email marketing opt-ins.
Search engines are one method available to create awareness. That’s because people usually search the internet when they have a problem. If you can get your business visible on search engines such as Google, you will be able to end up creating awareness. This is the main reason why you should focus more on your SEO campaigns. If you're interested in learning about SEO and other strategies for creating awareness, make sure you check out my course for TpT Sellers, the TpT Seller Growth & Accelerator Course.
Blogging is another method available to create awareness. With blogging, you will be able to create valuable leads that your audience (teachers in your niche) can consume. It is also a great way to provide valuable resources and helpful information and solutions for teachers who are facing problems. I also like to use blogging about ways to use my resources and then I will link to the resource in my blog post to drive traffic to my product. Visual content that you deliver through platforms such as YouTube will also be able to help you to create awareness.
YouTube is one of my favorite strategies! You can turn some of your blog posts into YouTube videos that provide teachers with helpful strategies and then you can link to the resource in the description of the video. I used to be terrified of making videos, but after creating a lot of them for my channel and my TpT Seller Growth & Accelerator course, I am much more used to creating video content!
Don’t ignore all the different options that you will have to create awareness through social media networks. Social media networks such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and even TikTok can help you to create awareness. Always link to your products, store, or resources to help drive traffic to your products (the path or buyer journey to making a sale). You just need to learn how to promote your business through different social media channels and do it.
- Generate leads
The second stage of your marketing funnel will be all about lead generation. Once a customer makes it to this part of the sales journey, it means you have successfully created awareness. Now you just need to convert your prospects into leads!
Be mindful of the fact that your leads or potential customers are looking forward to receiving more specific and in-depth information. Therefore, you should create specific content to cater to their needs or problems they might be facing in the classroom. Then you will be able to boost your lead conversion efforts.
Your main objective during this stage of the marketing funnel should be to communicate valuable information and resources to your audience. Then you can convince them to come and follow your business either on TpT, your blog, or other forms such as on Social Media.
You will also need to use a call to action to tell them what you want them to do. For example, you can use a call to action and ask them to subscribe to your blog, newsletter, or the YouTube channel. This call to action should be dependent upon your niche. In return, you can offer them your lead magnet (a freebie or sample) for them taking the action of subscribing. People don't generally do things for nothing in return, so think of a lead generator that your niche would like to have in return for giving you their email address and subscribing.
- Consideration stage
The third stage of your marketing funnel is the consideration stage. This is where your leads will seriously consider whether to spend their money and purchase your product or not. During this stage, you will need to learn how to nurturer your leads through to the sale. That’s because your leads are becoming more serious about locating a solution to overcome the problems that they have. For you, this might be selling them resources to save them time, provide them with content or resources they need to teach their classroom, or a professional development video (such as modeling a teaching strategy) so they can strengthen their instructional abilities.
To push your leads to the next stage, you will need to keep on producing high-quality content, which can create awareness. You will also want to work on creating strong product covers, previews, video previews, and well-written descriptions so customers of your TeachersPayTeachers store know exactly what they're about to buy or so they can make an informed decision. For more about creating Produts that Sell, check out my TpT Seller Growth & Accelerator course.
You will need to learn how to get the most out of ratings and testimonials (your store feedback). You can include these in your nuture system that you may have (such as in your email marketing campaign).
- Sales
The last stage of your marketing funnel would be sales. This is where the leads will pay for your products or service and become revenue-generating customers of your business. By this stage, you have done everything that you can possibly do in order to prove how valuable your business is. Therefore, you have tempted your prospects to make a decision and have converted them from leads to customers.
So... Congratulations! Your marketing strategies have worked! You have funneled teachers from places on the internet other than just TpT to your store to get a sale! This is a true victory!
Spend an hour writing a Marketing Sales Funnel plan that you will use as your business plan for your TeachersPayTeachers store to help drive traffic from other places on the internet to your TpT Store to convert teachers from leads to customers.
Have a TeachersPayTeachers Store? Learn how to Increase Sales in your store with Kathleen McGiveron through Focusing your Niche and Leveling-Up your TpT products with organic, tired & true methods with this instant webinar!
Final words
Now you are aware of the four stages available in a marketing funnel. While keeping these facts, you should build a marketing funnel for your business as well. Then you can get all your prospects to go through the marketing funnel and convert most of them to revenue-generating customers.
To learn more about accelerating the growth of your TpT Store, check out my TpT Seller Growth & Accelerator Course!
The All-In-One TpT Seller Course to learn how-to successfully set up and plan your TeachersPayTeachers Store, Learn How-to develop your brand, Learn and Understand How-to Market your store online, and Learn How-to Accelerate your Growth, Create Masterful Habits, and Excellent Products that your Customers will be able to both FIND and WANT.
I'll give you the strategies that helped me scale and level up my TeachersPayTeachers business on a trajectory of success!
I am going to teach you how to focus your efforts, create a strong and recognizable brand. This is the course that will take your store to new heights, becoming the income generator it is destined to be!
Click here to Learn More about the Course!
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